Ready to turn the tide for LIFE in post-Roe America?

Pro-Life Messaging Breakthrough!

Discover the groundbreaking research-driven, field-tested messaging campaign poised to save more lives … shift public opinion … and catalyze culture change in 2024 — and beyond!

Urgent Nationwide Webcast • Monday, May 13 • 9 PM ET (6 PM PT)

YES! Count Me In!

Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the pro-life movement faces an urgent need to reframe the national narrative and engage hearts and minds like never before. Public opinion is deeply divided, with Planned Parenthood and its allies advancing ballot initiatives to enshrine abortion in state constitutions. Abortion numbers are rising nationwide, putting women and children at greater risk than ever.

It's critical that the pro-life movement unite around a cohesive, research-backed messaging strategy that cuts through the noise and drives real change. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to be at the forefront of launching a new era in life-saving advocacy.

During this groundbreaking webcast, you'll discover:

The top 11 pro-life messages that are changing hearts, saving lives, and reshaping the abortion debate in America (and learn how YOU can start using them today)

The secret to mastering the art of becoming a fearless, persuasive voice for pre-born children and their mothers, even if you've never felt confident talking about abortion before

The #1 mistake most pro-lifers make when discussing abortion ... and the simple shift that can increase your effectiveness overnight

The shocking truth about what's really happening inside the abortion industry, and why this little-known information is key to winning the battle for life

Your personal roadmap for becoming an unstoppable pro-life champion in your community, starting the moment the webcast ends

An exclusive first look at the nationwide pro-life messaging campaign that's launching this month to help make abortion unthinkable in America

And much, much more!

YES! Count Me In!

Your expert webcast presenters:

President, Pro-Life Partners Foundation

Pro-Life Strategist, Speaker, Broadcaster

Register to attend… before it’s too late:

WARNING: With abortions on the rise and the pro-life movement at a critical juncture, we cannot afford to continue with business as usual. This exclusive, one-time-only nationwide webcast is your opportunity to be part of a game-changing messaging initiative that can empower every pro-life American to effectively combat abortion, shift public opinion, and catalyze desperately needed culture change. Tens of thousands of pro-life advocates nationwide are invited, and space is filling up fast. Don't wait another moment to secure your spot and help turn the tide for LIFE in post-Roe America:

YES! Count Me In!
Michael Kenney
David Bereit

Join the nationwide campaign to transform hearts and minds in the fight for life

Kristan Hawkins

President, Students for Life of America

President, March for Life

Jeanne Mancini
John Mize
Jor-El Godsey

President, Heartbeat International

CEO, Americans United for Life

Carrie Gress

Author, Philosopher, Speaker

Christina Bennett

Live Action News Correspondent

Melissa Ohden

Founder and Director of 
The Abortion Survivors Network


A Best Choice Mobile Ultrasound
The Abortion Survivors Network 
Alaska Right to Life
Americans United for Life
Arizona Life Coalition 

Atlanta Morning Center
A Woman’s Concern
Joan Bell - Dei Gloriam
Christopher Bell - Good Counsel, homes for mothers and babies
Biking for Babies 

Bringing America Back to Life
Care Net Pregnancy Resources of Warren County
The Catholic Pro-Life Community
Central Florida 40 Days for Life
Cincinnati Right to Life
Cleveland Right to Life 

Columbia 40 Days For Life
Emmaus Health Partners 

Forty Days for Life
Generation I Want to Live (Italy)
Heartbeat International 

Iowa Right to Life

The Justice Foundation
Life Legal Defense Foundation
Life Pac Southwestern Pennsylvania
Live Action
Lutherans For Life

The Magee Project
March for Life  

Maryland Right to Life
Midwest March For Life
The Moral Outcry 
Mother and Unborn Baby Care
Ohio Right to Life

Operation Outcry
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation
Pro-Life Action Ministries

Pro Life Doc 
ProLife Europe
Pro-Life Vilnius (Lithuania)
Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio
Sidewalk Advocates for Life
Steno Institute 

St. Paul Respect Life Committee
Students for Life of America
Thrive Express Savannah
Verum Vitae 365, Inc.

Abby Johnson

CEO of And Then There Were None

Brian Burch
Lauren Muzyka

CEO of  Sidewalk Advocates for Life

President of Catholic Vote

Autumn Christensen
Allan Parker

President of The Justice Foundation

VP of Public Policy, 
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America

Josh Craddock

Live Action, Legislative Strategist